Range Fee (per person)

Range Fee (Military/LEO)

Unlimited Range Time Included

Unlimited Range Time Included with Proper ID




Silhouette Targets




Eye Protection Purchase




Ear Protection Rental




Ear Plugs




Handgun Rental




Rifle/Shotgun Rental




FSC Test & Card

Must have credit card to complete test







Private Party Transfer

1  gun




Out of State Transfer

$75.00 for each firearm

Starts at $112.19



$37.19 for DROS fee



Firearm Shipping




When Customer is shipping a firearm out for Warranty Repair the following costs apply:

If Firearm WAS bought from The Gun Range and a shipping label is supplied by the Manufacturer, we charge a $25 processing fee.

If the firearm WAS NOT bought from The Gun Range and a shipping label is supplied by the Manufacturer, we charge a $50 Processing fee.

No reservations needed. First come first serve


1. Eye and ear protection are required on the range at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS .
2. DO NOT go forward of the red line under any circumstances. If an item has fallen beyond your reach, contact range personnel for assistance.
3. Firearms MUST BE POINTED DOWN RANGE at all times when inside shooting booth and pointed BARRELS UP when anywhere else in the facility.
5. If you need assistance with your firearm, leave it in the booth facing downrange and contact range personnel for assistance.
6. Only one shooter in the booth at a time. Only one other non-shooter is allowed.
7. Targets must be mounted below the designated line on the cardboard backers. NO EXCEPTIONS .
8. Do not shoot the ceiling, the deflector plates, or the target trolley. All shots must go straight into the backstop.
9. The following ammunition types are not allowed inside the range.

These types will be confiscated by range personnel and returned when you check out:

  • a. Incendiary/Tracer
  • b. Shotgun ammunition that is not 00 buckshot or a single slug
  • c. Steel Jacketed/Armor Piercing

10. NO “BumpFire” stocks, binary triggers or “faux-auto” trigger kits are allowed in the range.
11. Upon hearing the command “ CEASE FIRE ”, unload your firearm, place it on the bench with the action open, step back to the tables, and await further instructions.
12. Rental firearms must only use ammunition purchased at The Gun Range during the current visit.
13. DO NOT disassemble or attempt to repair range rentals.
14. DO NOT throw live ammunition down range or throw away in trash cans. Place rounds in red steel ammo cans located along the left wall of the shooting bay.
15. No loading magazines or firearms outside of stalls.
16. No shooting across lanes allowed.
17. No “two-gunning”. You may only shoot one firearm at a time in your stall.
18. DO NOT shoot from the hip. Only proper aimed fire is allowed.
19. No holsters on your person or drawing from a holster unless you are a sworn peace officer, a concealed carry permit holder, armed security, or under the supervision of an instructor allowed to teach at The Gun Range. Credentials will be inspected before entry. NO EXCEPTIONS .
20. No shoulder, cross-draw, or small of the back holsters are allowed to be used on the range for safety precautions.
21. If a holstered firearm exits the booth, it must be unloaded, with no magazine inserted, and the slide locked to the rear.
22. All firearms must be UNLOADED and in a case/container when transported in the lobby and/or parking lot. CCW/law enforcement are exempt.
23. Parents/guardians are solely responsible for the minors in their charge and must be present with them at all times in the range or in the lobby.
24. Due the risk of lead exposure and high auditory reports from firearms, PREGNANT women are STRONGLY DISCOURAGED from being inside the range.
25. Range personnel retain the right to dismiss anyone from the premises without refund observed handling firearms in an unsafe manner, not following the rules and regulations stated above, or suspected to be under the influence of controlled substances.
26. No kneeling or prone shooting.

Basic Firearm Safety Rules

1. Always treat and assume all firearms are loaded and ready to fire.
2. Keep your finger off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard until you are on
target and ready to fire.
3. Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction and keep your muzzle away
from anything you do not want to destroy.
4. Be certain of your target, your line of fire, and what lies in front of and beyond
your target.
5. Keep the manual safety on the firearm engaged until you are on target and ready
to fire.

SAFETY is our Number One Priority