California CCW Course (6 Counties/3 Cities) 16 hour 3/22/2025 &3/23/2025
Class Date
March 22, 2025
Event Time:
8:00 am
Event Location:
Sacramento / San Joaquin / Yolo / Placer / Contra Costa Counties CCW Initial Class Cities of: West Sacramento / Winters / Ripon The range fee is included in the price of the class. All firearms included up to 3 Please make sure to complete the Waiver Form when signing up, or before arriving to class
General Information:
• Your Interview by the Sheriff’s and Live scan needs to be completed before you take the class
• 16 hour; 2 day class
• You MUST park on the side parking areas of the building, DO NOT park up front
• Basic pistol or equivalent training is a prerequisite requirement; this is not a beginner course.
• Do NOT bring firearms on the first day
• Ammunition will be stored in an office adjacent to the classroom
• If shooting with a revolver, a speed loader IS REQUIRED in order to meet qualifications standards
• Be sure to stop at the metal tables in the entry area to have the guns checked for being unloaded.
• If you have not previously shot at The Gun Range, please complete and sign the waiver that you will find on clipboards at the counter. As well, read the rules and sign in the small binder on the counter. • Class fees include qualification with up to 3 firearms.
• If your gun is in the DROS process and is being held at The Gun Range, please let your instructor know and it will be checked out to you for qualification only .
• Prior to the class review the qualification course of fire on the FAQ sheet of The Gun Range web-site